Friday, August 26, 2011

Sorry, everybody

I was looking for a picture of my brain on the internet, but I couldn't find anything grotesque enough. Sorry everybody: especially to those young people at that excellent event, MUDFEST, whose shows I didn't make this week, and to those others who are waiting for reviews to emerge from this malfunctioning machine. I've been struggling for a couple of months, and this week's vile cold has helped nothing. I think I have to face the fact that I'm all wore out. Will post when I can; in the meantime, if you're looking for something to read, why not check out the essays in the archives?


  1. Have already done that! I went to a screening of the big screen adaptation of David Williamson's "Face to Face" and was searching theatrenotes for a review of a production of it. There appears not to have been one.

  2. That hasn't even appeared in my inbox. Tell us more!


  4. The play Face to Face was done at Playbox about ten years ago. It predates Theatrenotes and I don't think Alison was working as a theatre critic at the time, so would've had no cause to see it. I suspect she would've been scathing about it. As for me, I only hope the movie script is an improvement on the stage version.
