Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Malthouse Season 2

Briefly - a heads up for the Malthouse Season 2, which you can peruse online here. There's lots I'm anticipating in a season which includes Hayloft in residence at the Tower, a new show from Ranters, a new dance from Lucy Guerin, Matt Lutton's take on The Trial, a theatrical adaptation of A Woman in Berlin, Sappho and a return season of the magnificent The Tell-Tale Heart. It's also Michael Kantor's last season as Artistic Director for the Malthouse before Marion Potts takes over the reins next year, which prompts a bit of reflecting; but the time for proper rumination will be at the end of the year, when I pull up my armchair and swill the brandy in proper avuncular fashion. Meantime, go check it out.


  1. After a request from a regular reader, I'm deleting all Deveny-related comments here. There are plenty of other appropriate venues for commenting on thus issue, and this blog is about theatre.

  2. Then get rid of the Twitter feed if your readers need such demarcation.


  3. Join Twitter if you feel so strongly about it. That's what the join-up button is for. I'm happy to argue there. This is not the place.

  4. Dear LAME

    if her readers want to take issue with her comments on the Twitter feed they can join Twitter.

    Oh, and The Malthouse Season looks very interesting.

  5. Alison, you got your comment up as I was sending mine! How embarrassment!

  6. But I wasn't trolling! What is wrong with you people?

    I vow never to come to your blog again, Alison.
    You all wear big black boots.

  7. Back at the desk, instead of trying to field comments by phone...

    I didn't claim you were trolling. (Comment removed). I just said this isn't the place. The internet has lots of places. This is a place for talking about theatre and related arts stuff. Drive-by, totally off-topic commenting is a little rude to other readers, no?

    Can we have some comments on the post above, please? The "D" subject is now closed, and any further comments thereon will be removed forthwith and toot sweet.

  8. Well I must say that I'm salivating to see The Trial (we get it in Sydney a few days later) - I just looked at the STC website and it is pretty much sold out already, curiously enough. Perhaps it's riding on the success of Lutton's Love Me Tender at Belvoir. Of course this means that I have to go and find my Kafka and actually READ the novel before I watch it now.

    Thyestes stands a fair chance of being good as long as Simon Stone gets the structure right for the play - his farce adaptation (The Suicide) in Sydney seemed to suffer from a serious case of premature ejaculation (early climax followed by lots of awkwardness), though that may have been built into the original play.

    And I'm very jealous about the Kosky - worth a flight to Melbourne? (This is, of course, assuming I have money. Ha. Haha. Oh, I make myself laugh sometimes.)

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and devein some prawns under the light of a flaming Catherine Wheel.

  9. The Tell-Tale Heart is a restaging of Kosky's production by Kantor. I reckon it would be worth a plane ticket - Martin Niedermair is something.

    I'm ignoring your awful puns.

  10. I'll be going to some of those. Devenitely.

  11. Watch it, kiddos. Any more cheek from you and a blackboard duster will be bouncing off your bonces.
