Thursday, November 08, 2007

Coupla things

First, on Sunday afternoon, I'm co-ordinating the conversation on a Writers Panel to be held at fortyfivedownstairs. The putative title is Words in Space: Writing Narratives of Place and Locality, and the pin is Melburnalia, a production of five short plays about - you guessed it - Melbourne, curated by White Whale Theatre. And it's a most interesting line-up - the writers are Kate Holden, Lally Katz, Ross Mueller, Tee O’Neill and Alice Pung. (If you haven't read Pung's Unpolished Gem, a memoir about growing up in Footscray, well, you should - it was one of my books of last year). I'm sure it can't fail to be an interesting conversation, so do join us.

Details: $5 at the door, 4.15pm – 5.30pm on Sunday November 11, Fortyfivedownstairs, Flinders St, City. RSVPs requested on 9662 9966.

Second, last night the Malthouse launched what promises to be a most fab season 1 for 2008. Richard Watts mysteriously says it's embargoed - nobody told me, and it all looked very public, but you know me and embargoes. UPDATE: yup, it really was embargoed, so Ms TN has politely removed those (minimal) spoilers until Monday. Embargoes have to be shoved under my nose in nice big texta, I suspect.


  1. Yes, the media kit I was given yesterday afternoon says 'embargoed until Monday 12th' in large letters; a detail not included in the shiny new program we were all given last night! We'll just have to champ at the bit until then, eh Alison?

  2. Ah, that explains it - I didn't get a media kit until it was emailed today. After I'd blogged, of course. I did recheck my invite, you know; I'm not such a naughty girl.

  3. I didn't even get a media kit. I really should let people know that I've moved house. Otherwise I could have spilled some beans. If I hadn't been busy moving house.

    Funny how things balance out that way.

  4. My media kit is on the other side of the world. I don't understand why they couldn't have just sent it to New York. Clearly I can't wait until Monday to find out. I'm going to get my sublettor to open my mail...

  5. Hi Avi - are you ever coming back from New York? Sounds to me like you're comfortably ensconced. Don't forget us in all those bright lights.

    I mustn't be media.

    (Have you moved house, Born Dancin'? I'm kind of getting a vague impression...)

  6. No I'm never coming back.
    It was nice knowing you all.

    If you're not media then someone needs to redefine media.
