Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Web fame - yesss!

This has nothing to do with theatre, but I can't resist telling you about the new site for my fantasy series The Books of Pellinor, which went live today (marking the US launch of the third and penultimate in the series, The Crow), courtesy of my lovely American publishers, Candlewick. The 15-year-old in me is thrilled to bits.


  1. That's a nice website, Alison. I'd be thrilled, too. The Q&A's were interesting (and I learnt that you're born in South Africa).

  2. Wow! Congratulations Alison! It's a gorgeous website. An enormous amount of thought and creativity has gone into it. Beautiful work.

  3. How amazing! Congratulations on the new site!
    I think I am now going to have to hunt down a copy and read it now.... it looks brilliant.

  4. Thanks all. Yes, I'm very pleased. Nick, wait until next year, when the Australian editions will be reissued in a swish new packaging (actually, the English design, which I really love).

  5. The link to your Books of Pellinor site from my blog doesn't appear to be loading. Might be worth checking with them to make sure nothing's gone wrong.
