Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pricklings of conscience

Readers, and not only of this blog, will no doubt be thrilled to know that The Novel (hereafter known as The Novel) is heading like an express train towards its breathtaking climax, which is now mere weeks away. Little Alison can't wait to have her brain back, and I'm sure TN readers will be unutterably relieved when I stop talking about it.

All the same, I have an uncomfortably active superego, who is currently telling me off in no uncertain terms for missing Theatre@Risks latest show, Vanessa Bates' Checklist for an Armed Robber, closing at the end of the week. To misquote Chaucer, the lyf so short, the craft so very long (all too true in my case)... In penance and mitigation, let me direct you to some excellent reviews by blogger colleagues - Matthew Clayfield's piece at Esoteric Rabbit, and Elisa Ghisalberti's response at Spark Online, as well as Richard Watts' passionate recommendation.


  1. Myn thankes, gentil lerned frende. Ich thynke that yt wer called a "mis-quote", for to myne owne endes and ese: may Geoffrey Chaucer me foryeve.

  2. great blog! I just started a theatre review blog (for chicago though) last month and I definitely look up to your blog! I am going to plug you on the sidebar! Happy blogging

  3. Thanks Claire - the best of luck in Chicago!
