Sunday, August 27, 2006

Your turn

ABC Radio National program Airplay is broadcasting my radio play Specula either today or yesterday (they say August 26, I was told 3pm on Sunday 27). However, it will be unambiguously repeated at 9pm next Friday September 1 Melbourne time. And for those who miss the broadcasts, the recording will be online for a few weeks here after the program is repeated on Friday.

Specula is a collaboration between myself and composer Sam Mallet. Institutional restrictions at the ABC meant it wasn't quite the intense collaboration we envisaged (though good on them for being interested), so we're both perhaps a little disappointed: but you can still hear Sam's music and my words. The radio play is part 3 of a private project of mine to do with an obsession with mediaeval woman mystics: those curious can find an interview here about part 1, a series of poems, and part 2, an essay, here.

And yes, those mystic bits are all my own work: the only actual quotations are from Malleus Maleficarum. Perhaps I missed my vocation?

Feel free to comment: I'd be most interested to hear any responses.


  1. I checked the link you gave in "online for a few weeks here," but I didn't see a way to play a recording of the broadcast. However, I can ask a question (or two), based on the summary given on that page: Why is it the man, not the woman, who hears angel voices and is obsessed with medieval women mystics and the discernment of witchcraft? Is this premise historically based? (I.e., in that the presumption of judging authentic mystical experience has often lain in the hands of men.) Would it be possible to conceive the situation in reverse, or partly so?

  2. Hi John - it will be online after the program is repeated this Friday night. Maybe from the beginning of next week.

    It's a bit hard to talk about the play without your having heard it - the description is a little kackhanded. You might be interested in the essay Specula I link to, which talks about these sorts of things.

  3. Thanks, Alison. I took a glance at the essay but didn't read it yet. I'll try to remember to check the link later and hear the play itself.
