Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Top Ten

And while I'm being immodest...

Theatre Notes is chuffed this sunny Anzac Day to see that we're featured as a Top 10 Theatre Blog on the Top 10 Sources site. And I'm in good company - regular readers will see a few familiar names there. Champagne and cucumber sandwiches to us!


  1. ... though I'm just glad I'm not in the bottom 10; I'm sure there's a list of those somewhere too.

  2. Hey George, cast off that becoming modesty - I want to see the Top 10 logo on Superfluities. If we don't brag about ourselves, who will? - though I see that businesses are being told by Those Who Know that they "ignore bloggers at their peril":

    Bloggers and internet pundits are exerting a "disproportionately large influence" on society, according to a report by a technology research company. Its study suggests that although "active" web users make up only a small proportion of Europe's online population, they are increasingly dominating public conversations and creating business trends.

    That's us. Isn't it nice to feel threatening and important?

  3. Woe betide society if I have a disproportionately large influence on it. But I put the logo up anyway. You're right; there's a difference between modesty and self-effacement. And I'd rather be modest, to a point. But I can toss modesty aside for a little while.

    That'll teach 'em.

  4. Wait, were you guys being modest before?

    Sorry, I had to. Well done.

  5. It's all relative, Matt...though relative to what is another question. I guess those who blog in the first place are probably a little narcissistic (ok, we're probably thorough-going egomaniacs), but isn't it nicer to think we're providing a valuable public service out of the goodness of our hearts?

  6. I'm just being flip.

    It's great that your work got recognized because, if nothing else, you take this very seriously and try to contribute output to a new medium, which can hopefully grow education and interest.

    Motives aside...it's good for people to communicate with each other and promote the arts. Simple as that.

    So, honestly, well-done.

  7. Top Ten, hey? Tell me something I didn't already know! (Shame the list wasn't shorter!) :)

    This is a "valuable public service" indeed!

    Congrats. Bouquets. Bolli, Stoli, Lindor white chocolate balls all round. You too George.


    P.S. And Boo, hey, I almost killed myself standing on one of those clear plastic protector thingies designed to protect paper... almost as silly as trying to take off your sweatshirt when running flat-out on a treadmill. How would that look in your obituary?!
