On Dante ~ theatre notes

Friday, February 16, 2007

On Dante

My review of Barbara Reynolds' Dante: The Poet, The Political Thinker, The Man was broadcast on ABC Radio National's The Book Show today. My rather unsuccessful Simon Schama imitation is presently audible at The Book Show's site, with a handy transcript for those who can't stand it any more.


Anonymous said...

Good lord, Barbara Reynolds! I've sort of met her. (Not that she knows who I am, I'm sure, but we've sort of met on enough occasions that I would reintroduce myself if I happened to see her on the street.) (Well, maybe I would. She's a little, you know, intimidating, as many people with One Of The World's Foremost attached to their names are.)

Sorry, that was a bit random. Carry on, nothing to see here.

Alison Croggon said...

Random, perhaps. Fun though! I bet she's intimidating...

Anonymous said...

She's a presence! A fellow Dorothy Sayers fan (for Sayers events are where I've run into her) confessed to feeling an impulse to address her as "Dame Barbara." :)