Interview: Lally KatzArt and its usesReview: A Woman in Berlin, Irony Is Not Enough, The Tell-Tale HeartFragmentary musingReview: The Animals & Children Took to the Streets, Electronic City, Songs for NobodiesReview: The Hollow, The Bedroom ProjectEnter Marion Potts - Malthouse 2011Ah, November...BriefsKitchen table interview: Daniel KeeneHelplessness, grief, agency: a personal note ~ theatre notes

Monday, November 29, 2010

Interview: Lally Katz

Next year, Lally Katz is probably the most produced playwright in Australia (although Shakespeare might give her a run for her money). She has three new plays coming up on main stages through 2011 - Neighbourhood Watch at Belvoir St, Return To Earth at the MTC and A Golem Story at the Malthouse. Who would have thought that this least classifiable of playwrights should have become a mainstream fixture?

But before any of that happens, she is premiering a new play in New York with The Production Company. This theatre company was founded by artistic director Mark Armstrong and Nicolle Bradford to forge exchanges between US and Australian playwrights, producing work from both. Since 2004 it has quietly built a solid indie reputation, most recently with highly praised productions of Patricia Cornelius's Love and Blair Singer's The Most Damaging Wound. Seasons of short plays under an umbrella called The Australia Project have introduced names like Van Badham, Ross Mueller, Wesley Enoch and many others to American audiences. Lally's play, Goodbye New York, Goodbye Heart, started life as one of the shorter plays in The Australia Project, and she has extended it for this production.

Now over to Lally, who has generously shared her thoughts on writing plays, New York and sharks over several emails during the past week...

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Art and its uses

I've a short speculation up at the Overland blog today which wonders about art, use and politics. All extremely difficult questions which, as regular readers here would know, are close to my heart.

It's part of the Subscriberthon that this excellent literary magazine is running this week. May I encourage you to take part and subscribe? You can even do it online here. You mightn't get free beer like Herald Sun readers, but the good people at Overland are offering a brace of great prizes, not to mention the regular occurence of one of Australia's finest lit journals in your post box. Plus I'm writing a column for them next year. Go on. You know you want to.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Review: A Woman in Berlin, Irony Is Not Enough, The Tell-Tale Heart

I saw three astonishing works of theatre last week, all created from texts not originally intended for the stage. One, A Woman in Berlin, is based on a personal memoir of the Russian occupation of Berlin at the end of World War 2. Another was Fragment 31's Irony is Not Enough: Essay on my Life as Catherine Deneuve, a poem by Canadian poet and scholar Anne Carson. The poem wasn't so much adapted - the collaborators performed the work as written - but "translated" into a fascinating work of theatre. The third was Barrie Kosky's terrifyingly beautiful The Tell-Tale Heart, an adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's gothic story about a murderer's self-betrayal.

Unsurprisingly given the source material, each work is markedly different from the others. All the same, they each have something profound in common: none assumes that either language or theatre is transparent. And in transforming a written work into performance, they reveal something profound about writing itself.

All writing is a dance around absence. A text notates something that isn't present, and perhaps was never present; it enacts the magic of revelation, of making visible what is invisible. Writing is memory, imagination, thought, made manifest: it gives what is otherwise unseen and intangible an illusory solidity. It is a record of an act - the act of writing - that generates its meaning once the act is finished, once the text is written and can be read.

What is most crucially absent from the written word is the body itself. A body makes a text, a body reads it, a body imagines and responds; but the text itself is bodiless. Without flesh and nerves or organs, boneless and hairless, a text is merely marks on a page or a screen or a wall: it's a trace of something, not any thing itself. The fetish of book design, focusing on the book as object, conceals the evanescence of text with an appearance of permanence: yet the object remains obdurately silent, its meanings dormant, until the immediate moment in which it is read.

When a text enters the theatre, the body is pushed into its foreground: both performer and audience are present. The performer's body is mediated: it's a body shaped by language, that now in turn interrogates and transforms the text. Sensitive adaptations or translations understand this recouped embodiment as the primary gift of theatre: the performer is the presence through which meaning is animated. And this meaning, whatever it is, in turn becomes memory, a potential text carried in the bodies of the audience. Sometimes it seems that the whole of human communication exists in this constant transformation from one state to another and back again: from revelation to hiddenness, from object to subject, from the intangible to the palpable. One reason I find theatre so fascinating is that it makes these transformations impossible to ignore.

The three works I saw all place the body in the centre of performance, exposing it as a site of trauma. Here language fragments under the pressure of its enactment. The performer's body - ambiguous, carnal, paradoxically private - is the focus of attention as the bodily absence hidden in the writing spills into an excess of presence. In performance, these texts are thickened and made opaque by what language is unable, finally, to express: the tactility of pain and desire, the incorrigibility of physical experience.

The performer is a complex presence that cannot easily claim its own authenticity. He or she offers a re-presencing, an enacted present of an imagined past. Yet this representation can't dissolve either into sheer abstraction. It is immanent with its own authenticating physicality: the actor's sweat, the actor's voice vibrating in the same air the audience is breathing, the sense of bodily duration. In all truthful theatre, the performer's enactment carries a double knowledge: the body both represents and is; the actor is both herself and someone else. The mask is real.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fragmentary musing

I am sometimes puzzled by a disconnect between form and content. No, let's go further: I am baffled by how a perceived form can obliterate what I find myself forced to describe as "content", or vice versa. Perhaps it's simply a poet's failing, but I have a great deal of trouble separating one from the other in any work of art, since the fusing of formal imagination and subject seems to me to be art's very definition. You may, by doing a deal of violence to a work, divide the two, for the purpose of dissection; but that too easily ends up being a forensic examination of a dead truth, lying devoid of a pulse on the critical slab.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Review: The Animals & Children Took to the Streets, Electronic City, Songs for Nobodies

Some days, writing is about as much fun as flogging yourself with a wooden spoon. Different parts of the brain refuse to speak to each other, which causes problems with the brain-hand-keyboard co-ordination traditionally associated with the art of writing. Thoughts float past in clogged, alienated lumps, not one connecting to the next. Every sentence you screw out has the vim and grace of a three-legged gazelle on valium. Gentle reader, it's bloody miserable.

And yes, Ms TN spent all yesterday - hours of fruitless, frustrating struggle - in such a state, attempting to write of three shows she saw last week, until at last she gave up and retired in dudgeon and dolour. I'm going to try again today, in the hope that the Muse of Criticks - Errata, wasn't it? - might be more merciful, because this week I'm seeing another four shows. (Plus I'm at the Wheeler Centre tonight talking about Privacy in the Age of Social Media, which I hope might give some nuance to these musings...) I suspect that my real problem is that most of me packed up and stopped at the end of October, whether I wanted me to or not. It's been a long and full year - novels written, essays churned, blogs blogged, stuff stuffed - and, basically, Me has had it.

This by way of an apologia for responses that are brief and partial and perhaps a little disconnected at the joints, which maybe bothers no one but myself.

1927's The Animals & Children Took to the Streets made me think about genre. The company itself is named for, among other things, the year that Fritz Lang's classic SF movie Metropolis was made. Back then genre art, although it certainly existed, lacked the dizzying sub-categories of modern marketing, and the lines between "literary" and "genre", or "popular" and "art", were less blackly drawn.

There were the fantasy worlds of Lord Dunsany or George MacDonald or William Morris, and the science fiction of pioneers such as HG Wells or Jules Verne, themselves with plenty of literary precedents. And there was plenty of pulp: the proto-steampunk stories of late 19th century scientific romances, say, in which sociopathic robots terrorised Native American savages. But SFF, from Morris on, always had a thread of social idealism in between its imperialist narratives, and modernist artists frequently appropriated its tropes for imaginative visions of the contemporary world.

1927 takes us back to genre art's modernist heritage, especially its social critique. The Animals and Children is a parable of a modern city, written with a wicked wit by Suzanne Andrade. It's performed with a mixture of animation and white-face melodramatic acting, as if it were a graphic novel brought to life. Backed by live piano, the story is set in the cockroach-infested slums of the Bayou, which skulk in the east beyond the shiny skyscrapers. It tells how the anarchic slum children invade the respectable parks and gardens of the well-to-do, demanding a decent living, a decent education and an X-Box.

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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Review: The Hollow, The Bedroom Project

Ms TN spent most of last week in her bathchair with smelling salts taped under her nose, which partly accounts for the belatedness of these reviews. But it's also because Daniel Schlusser, who directed The Hollow, and The Rabble, who created The Bedroom Project, are among our more restless experimental artists. The work of both is an on-going interrogation of theatre, and consequently they make shows that are quite difficult to write about. Not many hooks, see, and those that are offered tend to be illusory.

Schlusser's relationship with the VCA has been a fruitful one. A trilogy of projects - A Dollhouse, Life is a Dream and Peer Gynt - took classic texts and applied extreme theatrical pressure, resulting in some of the most interesting theatre that Melbourne has seen over the past three years. And, intriguingly, after tackling Ibsen and Calderón, he has turned to... Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie? Well, maybe it's not unlikely; not only does theatre feature as a major trope in much of Christie's writing, but her novels, which have now sold in their billions, have been widely adapted into hugely popular plays, screenplays and television dramas.

The Hollow is one of Christie's Hercule Poirot novels, although she left Poirot (as Schlusser has) out of her stage adaptation. It has the usual Christie motifs. Like almost all her detective fiction, it creates a fantasia of upper middle class England, with a cast of privately wealthy characters who are imprisoned in a belljar (a hotel, a country house, a village) noxious with repressed desire. In The Hollow, Poirot arrives at a country house to find a murder scene which he initially believes, because of its obvious contrivance, is a poorly judged joke by his hosts. The surprise twist is that what is set up as an obvious falsehood is in fact the actual case: the mousy wife of a glamorous and unfaithful Harley St doctor has murdered her husband.

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Enter Marion Potts - Malthouse 2011

Briefly: Marion Potts, the incoming artistic director at the Malthouse, announced her first season yesterday. And she's giving us a solid line-up of crunchy excellence. This is a heavily text-based season, with a well-judged mix of classics and new work, leavened by four dance pieces: a fine evolution of the Malthouse's style.

2011 opens strongly with Potts's own production of John Ford's Jacobean tragedy, 'Tis Pity She's A Whore, a continuation of the collaboration that created the glorious Venus & Adonis, followed by Robert Menzies in Samuel Beckett's The End, the show that wowed audiences at Belvoir St earlier this year. That's followed by the four dance works in Dance Massive: Chunky Move's Connected; Narelle Benjamin's In Glass (featuring Paul White, whom we last saw in Meryl Tankard's Oracle); BalletLab's Amplification and a solo show from Gideon Obarzanek, Faker.

The Hayloft crew is back after its knock-out Thyestes with another bad man of the theatre, Bertolt Brecht's Baal, translated by Simon Stone and Tom Wright. This is Brecht's first play, the first of his, in fact, that I ever read, and I've wanted to see it for years; I can't wait to find out what they make of it. That's followed by two new plays - Porn.Cake by Vanessa Bates, directed by Pamela Rabe, and A Golem Story by Lally Katz, directed by Michael Kantor. The final play is a return season of Declan Greene's sublime Moth, so all of you who disconsolately queued and missed out this year can get to see it. All of which is enough to make me view 2011 with a sanguine heart. You can check it out for yourself at the Malthouse website.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Ah, November...

One would think that, after more than a month of thespian festivities, Melbourne theatre should have collapsed, gorged with its own dizzy art, and decided instead to enjoy the burgeoning spring in a sensible and above all relaxed manner. But lo! The laurels of Dionysus jiggeth still! All the shows that have been queuing patiently as the Fringe and Melbourne Festival hogged the spotlight are now shyly stepping forth and wiggling their wings seductively, crowding into the next few weeks before Melbourne shuts down for summer. Frankly, they're making my diary a clogged and clotted mess.

Which means that I can't attend an event I'd very much like to see, though you might be able to make it. The Wheeler Centre has organised a major reading at the Merlyn Theatre, The Poet's Voice: Lovers in Trouble. A celebration of the poems of Dorothy Porter, the much-loved poet who died almost exactly two years ago at an unjustly early age, it coincides with the release of Porter's Love Poems. Novelist Andrea Goldsmith, Opera Victoria's AD Richard Gill and actor David Trendennick are among those who will celebrate Porter's passionate art, alongside readings of other works in this rich tradition. Details and bookings on the Wheeler Centre website.

Meanwhile, I have a couple of reviews to finish and upload before the onslaught begins. Watch this space.

Sunday, November 07, 2010


* There's no shortage of new writing in November. In fact, Melbourne is so lousy with readings of new plays that there is absolutely no excuse not to encounter at least one. Some are, however, happening in the teeth of bureaucratic resistance. Last week the fledgling writers theatre, MKA Richmond, was bizarrely thrown out of its new home in Richmond after only two days of operation. According to John Bailey, the council's action followed complaints from a couple of residents about "increased foot traffic" in the area. This must be some sort of record of bureaucratic efficiency: if only local councils moved as quickly on broken swings or pavements...

John has the full press release on Capital Idea, so I won't reproduce it; suffice to say that the company is undaunted, if justifiably outraged, and will continue its planned program of readings at a different venue at the QV complex in the CBD. Their ambitious Open Season of 25 Playwrights from around the world will continue right through November into December. The program looks well worth checking out, and includes work from Van Badham, Ben Ellis, Declan Greene and Chris Summers among many others. Details on the MKA Richmond site.

* Meanwhile, the second round of the MTC's Cybec Readings will be held later this month. The readings, curated by Aidan Fennessy, are the result of six months' artistic development, during which three playwrights were matched with three directors to write a new script. Michele Lee's Roundabout, directed by Sarah McCusker, will be read on November 18; David Mence's The Gully, directed by Anne-Louise Sarks, on November 19; and Natasha Jacobs's If I Can Dream, directed by Petra Kalive, on November 20.) All at 7pm in the Lawler Studio, MTC Theatre. More details on the MTC website.

* Artists should also check out the recently announced Climate Commissions, announced recently at the Malthouse. They consist of three major commissions for artistic projects that seek to grapple with the implications of transition to a carbon-free future, and range from the big (a $30,000 European/Australian collaboration between scientists and artists) to the small (commissions for works to take place in a person's home). Details on the Tipping Point website.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Kitchen table interview: Daniel Keene

For the first time I can remember, Daniel Keene has two productions on at once in his home town. One, the comedy Life Without Me, opened last month at the Melbourne Theatre Company to enthusiastic reviews and sell-out audiences as part of the Melbourne Festival. The other, the delicate generational drama The Nightwatchman, opens later this month at Theatre Works in St Kilda as an independent production.

Since he lives in the same house as I do, I sneakily exploited our proximity to ask him some questions.

And, eventually, he answered them.

AC: To Elizabethans, says the critic Jan Kott, the world was the stage and the stage was the world. What world is your stage? What does it become in the hands of others?

DK: The stage is a frame. I like the frame to be simple and unornamented.

To put it a different way: the stage is a metaphor. It doesn’t need any other metaphors added to it.

The theatre is a pragmatic art. When I write a play, the action of the play has to happen somewhere. In a room? On a street corner? Both? I make fundamental delineations.

When I imagine a play, I imagine a bare stage, a source of light, an actor. Depending on the content of the play, I might call what I imagine ‘the lobby of a hotel’ or ‘the kitchen of a suburban house’ or ‘a building site’. In other words, I locate my actor standing lit on a bare stage in the world outside of the theatre. I am suggesting a simple recognition, nothing more or less. Once that recognition has occurred, we can all get on with the play. In other words, we can ask ‘what will happen?’

I write plays for the hands of others; the hands that make them and the hands that applaud (or don't applaud) them. A play is a casting off.

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Monday, November 01, 2010

Helplessness, grief, agency: a personal note

This weekend, I spent two days at the Malthouse Theatre talking about the climate crisis. It was part of an event called Tipping Point Australia, a series of three forums in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. As it says on the website, the forums are "for invited international and Australian artists, scientists and others to explore ways in which we can adapt to and mitigate functionally, culturally and socially the effects of climate change.” Melbourne was the first.

The nexus between artistic practice and social or political commitment represents a vexed and often anguished question. I've been wrestling with the questions around artistic practice and social conscience for years, always discovering different means of failure. In a lecture for the International Federation for the Teaching of English in 2003, I speculated on the politics of representation, and the refusal of commodification versus the entrapments of ideological utilitarianism; at other times, I've wondered how an expression of hope might be about clear-sightedness rather than self-delusion or denial. Again and again, I've concluded that art itself is an act, an awakening of larger and enabling possibilities that in turn generate forms of agency.

This is not a particularly comforting conclusion, since it suggests that art achieves nothing in itself. In the face of climate change, is art anything more than more hot air, more toxic emissions? Given the systemic nature of the environmental crisis, its mind-numbing scale and complexity, what can be done? Is it actually possible to combat the processes now in motion - the grinding self-perpetuating machine of corporate global capitalism - in order to make any difference to those disastrously multiplying predictors?

I went to Tipping Point with two major questions. One is purely personal: it haunts my practice, and recently has silenced my poetry. Is the only act that honestly remains for art, given the scale of the catastrophe we face, a lament? What use is that? I’ve been writing elegies for the natural world since I was ten years old: and if that is all I can do, then it’s difficult to see the point. The second is: given that it’s quite clear that we can’t trust even a democratic system to deliver a government that will resist the corporate drive towards destruction, are there other ways of taking action, of changing social habits and ideas and fears before the planet is irrevocably wrecked, to the point where it no longer supports mammals like us?

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