Review: Tense DaveA note on Tense Dave and Numb AlisonReview: The ReceiptOddmentsReview: The History BoysReview: B-FileHamlet: the MovieReview: The Pitch, The Sound of Music Drag ShowBroodingBlogrollGreen Room Awards ~ theatre notes

Friday, April 27, 2007

Review: Tense Dave

Tense Dave, devised and directed by Lucy Guerin, Michael Kantor and Gideon Obarzanek. Dramaturge Tom Wright, design by Jodie Fried, Andrew Livingston and Ben Cobham, lighting by Niklas Pajanti. Original music and arrangements Francois Tetaz. With Kristy Ayre, Brian Carbee, Michelle Heaven, Brian Lucas, Luke Smiles and Delia Silvan (understudy). Chunky Move and Malthouse Theatre co-production, @ the Merlyn Theatre, Malthouse, until April 29.

Tense Dave is a collaboration between some of the most interesting minds in contemporary performance now working in Melbourne: Lucy Guerin, Michael Kantor and Gideon Obarzanek. Attempting to integrate three such individual visions - two choreographers and a theatre director - entails the risk of each of them becoming obscured, but a rigorous simplicity at the heart of its concept permits each talent to glow, as they say, with the genius of the ensemble. They've made a work of rich and resonant lucidity that authentically straddles dance and theatre.

It's essentially a meditation on catastrophic solitude that is at once witty, sad, violent, sinister, tragic and euphorically uplifting, shifting through its kaleidoscopic and fantastic variations with an unerring suppleness. The production on at the Malthouse demonstrates a deep polish, the mark of years of touring. Its track record speaks for itself: Tense Dave premiered at the 2003 Melbourne Festival and then toured extensively around Australia and to the US, where its New York season won it the 2005 Bessie (the dance equivalent of a TONY) for outstanding choreography.

The performance occurs wholly on a simple, quite small wooden revolve placed in the midst of a large, dark, amorphous theatrical space defined by lengths of black curtain. It turns through the entire show, its constant creaking a crucial part of the soundscape. I adore revolves: I know there's something about them which threatens arch theatrical tackiness, although it's probable that fairground quality is part of their attraction. But essentially I think it's the fascinating tension between stillness and movement that's created when the scenery is as mobile as the performer. I can promise that you will never see a revolve used more creatively than in Tense Dave.

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

A note on Tense Dave and Numb Alison

I fear your webmistress has been somewhat defatigable this week. Fluency has abandoned me, words flee my questing tongue and ideas shrivel unborn in the desert of my mind. Whatever. Osip Mandelstam coined the phrase "pre-lyrical anxiety" for a similar cluster of symptoms; St John of the Cross described such a state as being close to Englightenment. I draw comfort from these thoughts, but it could just be that my mood button is turned to "stupid".

In the normal run of things, this wouldn't be a bother; but I do want you to know about the Chunky Move/Malthouse show Tense Dave, which I went to see on Tuesday. Like opera singers, dancers seem to wither after a week or so of performance and if you blink, you'll miss this one: it closes on Sunday. If you haven't seen it yet, order your butler to book your ticket this instant. Be brisk, be brave, extend your credit line, mortgage your children: this is one of the must-see shows of the year. I'll tell you why when the cogs unfuse, which I hope will happen in the next couple of days.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Review: The Receipt

The Receipt, by Will Adamsdale. Performed by Will Adamsdale and Chris Branch. Comedy Festival @ The Malthouse until April 29

Now I've got over the hangover (and have nevertheless - I expect unbounded admiration - posted my treadmill minimum of 2000 words towards The Novel - did I ever tell you how boring novelists are? I must corner you one day and make you suffer for my art as I do) - nevertheless, having banished the small animal that appears to have used my mouth for unspeakable private necessities, and having - brain akimbo, fingers radiant with the gleam of honest sweat - hacked away for the necessary hours at the coalface of the imagination, Little Alison selflessly dons her Theatre Notes hat again in the interests of - not, as you might imagine by now, in order to rival the Gabriel Garcia Marquez Award for the World's Longest Sentence, no! - but to faithfully report my recent theatre shenanigans.

As you might judge by the preceding sentence, they were fairly prodigious. I went to the launch of the Malthouse's next season, and then on to a show. Dorothy Parker, eat your heart out.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


My robust (and esteemed) colleague Chris Boyd is feeling understandably smug for breaking some exciting advance news about this year's Melbourne Festival. We're seeing Peter Brook's production of Athol Fugard's Sizwe Banzi is Dead, now in tour in Europe, and a Barrie Kosky adaptation of Poe's story The Tell-Tale Heart. About time Barrie got to Melbourne again. And like, wow. I'm already salivating.

Meanwhile, Playgoer has some interesting background on the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, which this year was awarded to David Lindsay-Abaire's Rabbit Hole, recently on here at Red Stitch. The 17-member panel overruled the nominations of its theatre judges to give the prize to a play not even on the shortlist. This play brought TONY theatre critic David Cote out in hives:

David Lindsay-Abaire's Rabbit Hole made me sick. During this competent dramedy about the mourning process, I experienced bizarre hallucinations, nausea, confusion and an irritability verging on dyspepsia. Upon learning my theater-going patterns, the doctor delivered a swift diagnosis of Biltmore Syndrome. It's a fairly common condition brought about by seeing too many middlebrow, bourgeois plays at New York's big nonprofit theaters.

Hmmm. And also there's some interesting blogospheric discussion around the notion of "ownership" at Parabasis and Superfluities (and here as well). That should keep you going for a while...

UPDATE: More discussion on the Pulitzer Drama Prize at Playgoer, who digs a little deeper in the politics of the award, and David Cote's Histriomastix. As David says grumpily: "Why are we telling the world that this is the best we can do? Where the hell are our intellectually inspiring issue plays, our bold stylistic experiments, our epic history plays?"

Friday, April 13, 2007

Review: The History Boys

The History Boys by Alan Bennett, directed by Peter Evans. Design by Dale Ferguson, lighting by Toby Sewell, sound/music design by Ian McDonald. With Craig Annis, Michael Finney, Ben Geurens, Andre Jewson, Morgan David Jones, Brian Lipson, Rhys McConnochie, Luke Mullins, Matthew Newton, Beejan Olfat, Deidre Rubenstein and Ashley Zukerman. Melbourne Theatre Company @ the Victorian Arts Centre Playhouse until May 12.

Alan Bennett's The History Boys is British theatre's version of Harry Potter. It opened at the National Theatre in 2004 to rapturous reviews and audiences, and swept off to Broadway, where rapturous reviews and audiences followed in New York accents. A transfer to the West End was inevitable. It's won so many Oliviers and TONY awards that the glow can be seen over the horizon. Then, of course, they made the film.

And at last we get to see what the fuss is about. Of course there's no question that Alan Bennett, the British national treasure who has penned such classics as The Madness of George III and Talking Heads, can write a sentence. He writes very well indeed, with feeling and intelligence, even if - as Chris Goode points out in his acute meditation on this play - his true metier is television, not the theatre. But, despite an (almost) superb production, I can't say I like The History Boys. In fact, it's one of the most purely annoying plays I've seen in a long time. I fear that untangling my irritation will make this review very long, so be warned.

You can see at once why it's been so popular. The History Boys is artfully seductive work, consciously pressing (but not too hard) all the buttons that signal its cultural worth, while at the same time harnessing the tried-and-true techniques of theatrical entertaining. The bitter pill of poetry goes down here with a big dose of sugar, and the punters love it. Before I go on, let me explain that TN isn't one of those who sneer at the popular for its own sake; a goodly part of my life is spent whuffling around the louche pleasures of genre literature, and I'll be eating popcorn at Pirates of the Caribbean 3 the day it comes out. But, in the light of the superlatives that garland this play's arrival, it's worth remembering Brecht's comment that if everybody likes a show, something must be wrong.

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Review: B-File

B-File, based on text by Deborah Levy, directed by Paulo Castro. Co-written and performed by Jo Stone, Karen Lawrence, Paolo Dos Santos, Paulo Castro, Silvia Pinto Coelho and Madeleine Lawrence. Produced by Tanzfabrik-Berlin, Teatro Vila Real-Portugal and Casa Das Artes Familcao-Portugal, La Mama @ the Courthouse until April 14.

Airports accrue a peculiarly modern form of paranoia. Not only are they places where you wait, entering that "room of lost steps" where time becomes another dimension altogether; they are spaces of transition, where you are neither in one place nor another. You have no context in which to expand your identity, no way of demonstrating anything about yourself except through those crucial documents - passports, visas, tickets - that establish your claim to be a human being, a citizen, a whole person with rights and a proper name.

When I'm travelling, I always have a moment of anxiety if, for any reason, my passport leaves my humid grasp. I remember once, travelling by train from Switzerland to Italy, total panic rising in my throat when the Italian conductor brusquely took my passport overnight (to save, I found out later, the Italian immigration officials the task of inspecting papers from carriage to carriage). It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate that anxiety to the actual situation of a person with no papers, no official identity, no legitimate means of moving through the rituals of citizenship. Which is the position, for example, of a refugee, or a prisoner in Guantanamo.

It's a condition of legal non-being that the philosopher Giorgio Agamben has named "naked life": a state of legal exception in which the full power of the state might be exercised against an individual who has been stripped of any rights of citizenry. When we say people are "dehumanised" by, for example, being put in concentration camps, we actually mean that they have been delegitimised: they no longer have any rights as citizens, and literally anything might be done to them.

The fear that our citizenship may be denied lies behind the anxiety we feel at airports, when our identity, which must be demonstrated at every turn, feels particularly vulnerable. And B-File - now on in its second week at La Mama, so hurry if you wish to see it - is a dark fantasia that begins precisely from this state of anxiety.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hamlet: the Movie

Film adaptations of theatre are mostly tragically disappointing. Recently I slipped into the DVD player a disc that purported to record Ariane Mnouchkine's luminous Le Dernier Caravansérail, only to turn it off after 20 minutes in case it erased my memories of the show. The "adaptation" was a travesty: the heavily literal hand of film had turned it all into soap opera. Only bare hints remained of the lyricism of the stage. Like they say in Mafia movies, faggeddit.

So it was with mixed feelings that I heard that one of my peak theatre experiences - The Poor Theatre's production of Hamlet, directed by Oscar Redding and starring Richard Pyros as Hamlet - had been filmed. (Review of that production here). As my review indicates, that production brought out the fangirl that lurks breathlessly beneath this stern, forbidding critical exterior: afterwards I had to be sedated with several glasses of wine.

This week producer Aleks Radovic sent me a preview of the film, which is now in post-production. It removed my doubts, and now I can't wait to see the whole thing. Redding has preserved the roughness of the "poor theatre" aesthetic by using Dogme film techniques - hand-held cameras, for example, that invite the viewer into the action - and filming at night in public locations around Melbourne.

The effect is to highlight the performances and the text. The quality of Mr Shakespeare's writing is beyond question, and I have to say that the performances look electric. The cast is a little different from the play, and they've got rid of the doubling. The film features some of my fave Melbourne actors, like Adrian Mulraney and Brian Lipson and, of course, Pyros doing his Hamlet schtick. On the strength of the 20 minutes I've seen, it looks fair to be as exciting a Hamlet as has been committed to film. No news yet on where it can be seen, but my recommendation is to keep an eye out - it could be one of those movies that appear in cinemas for a two-day season, and you don't want to miss it. A suitably sable website with a trailer is here.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Review: The Pitch, The Sound of Music Drag Show

COMEDY FESTIVAL: The Pitch, written and performed by Peter Houghton. Directed by Anne Browning, sound design by David Franzke, lighting by Paul Jackson. The Beckett @ The Malthouse until April 28. The Sound of Music Drag Show, directed by Jessica James. With Jessica James, Kris Del Vayse, Amanda Monroe, Jackie Stevens, Roxy Bullwinkle and Jillette Jones. Drags Aloud @ the Bosco, Federation Square, Melbourne Comedy Festival until April 15.

The Melbourne International Comedy Festival is one of those events that throws me completely. This year I cowered pathetically before the program: like, how many acts? So I'm afraid that if this is coverage, then a postage stamp is an overcoat. Luckily for cybernauts, indefatigable bloggers Avi of The Rest is Just Commentary and Richard Watts of Man About Town are better men than I am: they are stoutly braving the crowds and seeing stuff and even writing about it. Me, I've managed to get to two of the 250 or so shows that are whirling around town at the moment. I laughed all the way through both of them, so, despite everything, TN's horse sense still seems to be working.

Peter Houghton's one-man show The Pitch is the Malthouse's contribution to the festival. These days Houghton is riding high: earlier this month, he swept the board at the Green Room Awards, winning best actor and writer gongs for both The Pitch and his brilliant performance of Hamm in Eleventh Hour's production of Endgame. And the word on this show was glowing: a couple of my spies told me it was the best thing they saw at La Mama last year. Sadly, I missed its debut. It must have been quite something in that intimate space.

Rest assured that the hype is warranted. The Pitch, a sardonic take on that predatory mirage known as the film industry, is hilarious from beginning to end. The conceit is that Walter Weinermann, a hapless screenwriter whose love life is mess, is about to pitch his screenplay to a panel of producers. There are three of them: an Englishman who distributes films in Europe, a tough-guy American producer chewing a cigar, and an Australian academic bureaucrat. Somehow Weinermann's script has to please all three of them if he's to get any money to make the movie.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007


Even though she lives in a glass house held together with ice cream sticks, Little Alison likes to throw stones. And as anyone who regularly reads TN knows, she likes to throw stones at other crrrritics. I really do get irritated by the laziness of some of our MSM theatre reviewers. (TN might be mistaken, procrastination-prone, psychically challenged, afflicted by typos and in danger of being crushed by a desk avalanche of old press releases, books and bills, but she isn't - she swears on her heart - lazy as such...)

Ionesco, a Romanian-born Frenchman, said of the play: "I told myself that one could learn to die, that I could learn to die, that one can also help other people to die. This seems to me to be the most important thing we can do, since we're all of us dying men who refuse to die. This play is an attempt at an apprenticeship in dying."

(Italics mine). An interesting and pertinent quote. But then, in her review for the Australian, Thuy On brings it back. It is also the only time Ionesco is quoted in the review:

Ionesco said of the play, "This is an attempt at an apprenticeship in dying".

And in an otherwise unobjectionable review for the Age, Cameron Woodhead uses exactly the same quote (and it is similarly the only Ionesco quote):

Ionesco once described his play as "an attempt at an apprenticeship in dying".

TN was a little puzzled - no, let me not be too disingenuous - TN was a little depressed that this seemed to be the only Ionesco meme bobbing about in Melbourne print circles. (Unlike Beckett, Ionesco was quite chatty about his own work.) And I assumed that the two critics had simply picked up the quote from Corrie Perkin's article.

But maybe not. Yesterday I picked up and read the press release that the Malthouse Theatre PR staff handed out to critics on opening night, which heretofore had lain, crumpled and unread, in the bottom of my handbag. And there, at the top, in a nice bold typeface, is a quote from Geoffrey Rush, taken from Perkin's feature - plus that very familiar quote from Ionesco, in the same partial form as it appears in the reviews.

It's not the first time I've seen critics echoing a theatre's press release, and I guess it won't be the last. But in my view, the job description of "critic" ought to involve reading past the PR. Or even past the virtual clippings out of the newspaper library. Or am I just old-fashioned?

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007


After writing my 2000 words yesterday, something went ping in my brain. So I did a long-planned overhaul of my blogroll, which is now on a separate page with a whole lot of other handy theatrical links that wouldn't fit in my crowded sidebar. Lots of new blogs (note the embryonic Asian section, which I hope mitigates a little the dominant Anglophilia) and links to theatres and online media. While I'm at it, I might as well point you to the Review page, which lists every single review and essay that's been posted on TN since 2004, and is quite a handy way of navigating the morass.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Green Room Awards

The Green Room Awards were announced yesterday. The big winners were La Mama and the Malthouse, with the latter winning 10 awards. La Mama in fact doubly won the new play category, with Gabrielle Macdonald's Debt and Peter Houghton's The Pitch sharing the gong. Peter Houghton also scooped the Best Male Actor for The Pitch (La Mama, opening next week at the Malthouse) and his performance of Hamm in Eleventh Hour's For Samuel Beckett. The Malthouse productions of Kage Physical Theatre's Headlock and Nigel Jamieson's Honour Bound, which is soon to tour to Europe, both figured prominently.

The big loser is the MTC, which won a single award (for the design of Festen) and dipped out badly to Dusty: The Musical in the musical theatre category, where it had nine nominations for The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. Something is a little flat in South Melbourne, methinks...could Simon Phillips be too busy with commercial projects like Priscilla: Queen of the Desert to keep his eye on the ball?