Peter Handke bannedTop TenA personal note...Comedy FestivalDoubtIt Just Stopped ~ theatre notes

Friday, April 28, 2006

Peter Handke banned

Update here

Our Man in Paris Ben Ellis reports that the Comédie-Française has effectively banned Peter Handke's plays from its repertoire, after it was reported that he assisted with Slobodan Milosevic's funeral arrangements. Ben translates the Le Monde article:

"I am happy to be close to Slobodan Milosevic, who defended his people," the author is reported telling the Nouvel Observateur for its April 6 edition.

The decision to pull a production scheduled for the first half of next year was taken by Marcel Bozonnet, the general administrator of the company, saying that his blood ran cold when he read the article and that Handke's pro-Serbian politics remain "an outrage to the victims".

Handke's politics have literally caused riots since the early 1990s. In 1997 he released A Journey to the Rivers: Justice for Serbia, a short, hallucinatory book which argued that the Srebrenica massacres never happened, and in 1999 he gave back the 10,000-mark Georg Büchner literature prize money he had won in 1973 - and left the Catholic church - because of his opposition to the NATO attacks on Belgrade.

Unlike the My Name is Rachel Corrie controversy, the Comédie-Française is up-front about its decision - no shilly-shallying here. "Even if the work isn't a piece of propaganda," says Bozonnet, "it offers the author a public visibility. I don't feel like giving it to him... I understand the position of those who differentiate the work from the author, but for the moment, I just can't resolve that myself."

The question remains: is it right to ban artistic works - in this case works of unarguable artistic merit - because its author holds distasteful political views? Bozonnet, to his credit, puts his finger on the dilemma, and takes responsibility for his subsequent decision, but the decision still makes me profoundly uneasy. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Top Ten

And while I'm being immodest...

Theatre Notes is chuffed this sunny Anzac Day to see that we're featured as a Top 10 Theatre Blog on the Top 10 Sources site. And I'm in good company - regular readers will see a few familiar names there. Champagne and cucumber sandwiches to us!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

A personal note...

Daniel Keene must be in the zeitgeist this weekend. He turns up in two newspaper articles - one an interview in the Financial Review with Chris Boyd, and in a John McCallum essay on Brecht and Beckett in The Australian. To wit:

The great inheritor of Beckett's tradition in Australia is playwright Daniel Keene, now based partly in Europe. Keene writes similarly minimalist, formal poetic pieces that richly evoke a depth of lived experience that the naturalistic drama - now transferred to film and television and therefore unnecessary in the theatre - cannot begin to represent.

As in Beckett, Keene's short plays are powerfully condensed but are haunted by sometimes terrible experiences in which a kind of tenderness is found in the most abject situations. The text of one of them, The First Train, is on the web at

In it, an old cobbler works on children's shoes as he tells the story of a boy hidden by his mother and told not to come out until she returns, during what we assume to be the first round-up of Jews by the Nazis in his home town. He hears the departing train go past his hiding place. His mother never comes back, but the old man we are watching at his gentle craft must be him.

Which is all very nice. But: "now based partly in Europe"...? And in the Financial Review, which talks about his French popularity, the intro says: "Despite now living in France, the prolific playwright hasn't forgotten his roots".

May I be permitted a little puzzlement? As a quick reconnoitre of my sidebar will confirm, Mr Keene is my husband, and is most usually seen haunting Coles Supermarket in downtown Williamstown; the photo adorning the interview is, ahem, of our front verandah. It may be that I am unusually obtuse, but I hadn't noticed that he wasn't here. (It's ok, Chris, I know it's a sub-editor's error and nowhere hinted in the actual article...and here let me point to the much more in-depth interview on Chris's blog.)

As for me, I guess I'll be moving to the States as soon as I hit bestsellerdom. Any day now - my first fantasy novel, released in the US in hardback last July, came out in paperback last month and has already sold out its first print run. If it continues to sell like that, my financial future will look a little brighter than it does at present.

I did some adding up and figured that The Gift (The Naming in the US) must have sold almost 50,000 copies altogether so far in Australia, the UK and the US. And that's only Book One...! (Book Three is out here next month, you closet fantasy fans...) Obviously, it's New York, New York for me and Paris in the Spring for Daniel...but maybe we'll just settle for Williamstown.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Comedy Festival

Comedy Festival: The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, devised and edited by Jon Haynes, David Woods and Jude Kelly, directed by Jude Kelly with Ridiculusmus, David Woods and Jon Haynes. Malthouse Theatre until April 30. A Porthole into the Minds of the Vanquished written adn performed by Tamlyn Henderson and Warwick Allsopp, direction by Ansuya Nathan and Tony Taylor, musical direction/keyboards by John Rutledge. Regent Room @ Melbourne Town Hall until May 7. From Bombay to Beijing by Bicycle written and performed by Russell McGilton, directed by Kimberley Grigg-Pierzchalski, music by Alan Griffiths. 45 Downstairs until May 7.

Sometimes I wonder if festivals are what Melbourne has instead of a culture. The arts calendar seems to wander from one festival to another, oscillating between feast and famine like a cultural bulimic. However, the Comedy Festival is one of our success stories, growing out of the innovative comedy scene of late 70s Melbourne to become one of the big three in the world. With 230 events under its frenetic umbrella, it's more than usually impossible to know what to look at. These are the chance sightings your fearless critic made before a virus grabbed me by the jugular and dragged me down into lowland...

The Importance of Being Earnest is a glittering chandelier of a play, one of my all-time favourites. While it's hard to miss Wilde's wit and flair, it's less easy to see the toughness, even the bleakness, that underlies his dazzling nonsense. Ridiculusmus's anarchic interpretation reminds me how resilient this play really is, how Wilde's sure sense of theatricality and dramatic structure survives - even gleams the more brightly - under the British duo's disrespectful treatment.

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Doubt by John Patrick Shanley, directed by Julian Meyrick. Designed by Stephen Curtis, lighting by Matt Scott, composer Max Lyandvert. With Alison Bell, Christopher Gabardi, Jennifer Flowers and Pamela Jikiemi. STC production at the Melbourne Theatre Company, Playhouse @ the Victorian Arts Centre until May 13.

It is almost impossible to think about Doubt without being aware of the context in which it is written - that is, post-9/11 America. John Patrick Shanley's play is the first in a proposed trilogy (part two, Defiance, has recently opened at the Manhattan Theatre Company) that examines troubling dimensions of contemporary US society. And it obviously struck a few chords: it's garnered rave reviews and is the most decorated play on Broadway, with 24 awards to its name.

However, outside this context it's hard not to feel a little puzzled by this reception. There are things to admire in Doubt, to be sure; it's a skilful piece of playwriting, sparely written and solidly structured. But there's no getting away from the fact that it's a very old fashioned play, a naturalistic, linear drama that wouldn't have raised eyebrows 40 years ago. One can't help wondering if American theatre is really as conservative as this play seems to demonstrate.

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

It Just Stopped

It Just Stopped by Stephen Sewell, directed by Neil Armfield, designed by Stephen Curtis. With Marcus Graham, Catherine McClements, Rebecca Massey and John Woods. Company B Belvoir St and Malthouse Theatre, Merlyn @ Malthouse until April 23.

Stephen Sewell is an anomaly, the leftist firebrand we have to have. His work occupies a cultural place analogous to that of Edward Bond's in contemporary English theatre, with whom he has a few things in common. Sewell has written nothing of the brutal power of Bond's early play, Saved, which remains a landmark in British theatre, and unlike Bond, whose recent work is more commonly produced in France, Sewell's work does find big stages and audiences in his home country. But there are teasing similarities.

Bond and Sewell share a belief (however contingent) in reason, and see theatre as a venue for dialectic argument. Indeed, since around the early 1990s Bond's plays have been dominated by the idea that drama consists of two ideologically opposed characters arguing with each other on stage. This is, to my mind, a recipe for deadly theatre; if nothing is going on beyond an arguing of the abstract idea, if language is not what people do to one another, but merely what people say, no amount of committed acting is going to make up its lack of theatrical dynamic. And it makes for theatrical conservatism; neither Bond nor Sewell approach the aesthetic radicalism of playwrights like Howard Barker or Sarah Kane, or even the potent realism of Franz Xavier Kroetz. * [see note below] But even so, Sewell's work doesn't sit quite comfortably within mainstream culture.

Much Australian left wing theatre - for example, that of David Williamson, Hannie Rayson or Michael Gurr - makes the locus of political conflict the family, a tradition which goes beyond Hamlet to classical Greek theatre. Sewell has mined this vein more intensely than most others: all his political narratives are also stories of familial betrayal. And it has to be said that next to these other Australian playwrights, Sewell's work has an energy and ambition, an unruly anger, which must be admired. Sewell might overwrite to the point of catatonia (the "short" version of Myth, Propaganda and Disaster in Nazi Germany and Contemporary America runs to 142 pages), his style and thought might be an undisciplined mess that amounts sometimes to no more than a rant, but he never settles for the merely anodyne.

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